Ahoy there ! Its been long enough ! I have so missed scratching at this blog; but then both time and opportunity were in marked abeyance in the last month. It took a toll on my reading habits, and February was full of me making frenzied stabs at reading a few pages and abandoning them within the hour to attend to some other chore.
Things are slowly getting back to the grind, and I have managed to sneak some time for my reading again. I cannot begin to tell how good that feels ! I am beginning to empathise with the agony of going cold turkey ! So, befitting a starving man at a buffet, I have reached out to anything within my grasp, which at this point in time, is a lot. So in addition to my existing work-in-progress, I have also picked up Eragon. I am actually glad that I did away with the reading challenges every month, because this pile of books will take some considerable time and patience, given that they all belong to widely disparate genres. But its a great feeling nonetheless - the thought of so much to read and so little time !
Eragon is not turning out to be as good as I had expected though. Of course, the plot is yet to thicken and I have barely crossed the fence of the story. For a fresh start, I am not sure if it will qualify as a captivating read, but one must try.
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